Meet your financial and retirement goals years sooner with better investment choices with the help of Rita℠.
Ask Rita℠ to help you score and rank hundreds of mutual funds in moments.
With tens of thousands of Mutual Funds and ETFs, and many performance factors to consider, how can you know which ones are best for you?
Rita℠ can help you find out with personalized scoring. You can see how your current investments stack up against similar choices and find out if there are better options available.
Let Rita℠ help you choose using a patented decision assistance technology.
Feel confident about the mutual fund and ETF choices you're making with the help of the unbiased technology powering Rita℠.
In seconds, Rita℠ can help you score and rank your investment options using the performance factors that best suit your investment and retirement savings goals!
Ever worry that conflicts of interest may have negatively affected the advice and recommendations you’ve been getting? With Rita℠ you can effectively filter out all conflicts of interest and ensure you’re getting the best ones for you.
Rita℠ is a web-based scoring and ranking application which provides you a search bar to easily enter in your choice of mutual fund or ETF ticker symbols, names, or asset classes, on any device, wherever you are connected to the internet.
Initial results within Rita℠ display the top 10 highest scoring mutual funds and ETFs (you can see up to 50) along with your choice in the asset class and the class benchmark, based upon initial default settings.
Initial results within Rita℠ display a score and a ranking derived from an initial blend of 6 weighted performance factors 1, 3, and 5-year average annual returns and 1, 3, and 5-year average annual volatility (risk). You can choose from 24 total performance factors and individually weight them in order of importance to you.
The Rita℠ performance factor menu allows you to choose which performance factors you wish to use in scoring and ranking the available choices and then lets you select the percentage weight of each of those factors based on our personal preferences and investment objectives.
Rita℠ generates a composite score for each mutual fund, ETF, and the Benchmark of the asset class based on the weighted performance factors you’ve chosen and is then used to rank all the available funds in the asset class, including yours, with the highest composite score ranking first.
Rita℠ displays the mutual fund or ETF you entered in the resulting table, displaying its numeric rank based on its composite score along with the top scoring funds and the benchmark for the asset class. And it will have all been done your way!
Learn More About Rita℠
“Decision Paralysis” is worse than we had imagined.
Having too many choices and too much information about Mutual Funds can make deciding which to choose paralyzingly difficult, if not practically impossible.
On January 10th, we were surprised to see this brief article on “Analysis-Paralysis,” stating that: “By 2031, there could be one million managed investment products.” The article also points out that: “As of June 30, 2023, there were more than 742,000 products available.”
Wow! That’s dramatically more that we had estimated.
In many of our earlier posts, you’ll see us point out there are estimated to be well over 20,000 mutual fund and ETF choices. We believed 20,000+ to be a conservative under-estimate.
What we didn’t expect was finding out that we might have been under-estimating by a factor of 10X or more!
The article points out the largest single group of these investment choices is mutual funds and that the number of ETFs is also large and rapidly growing.
However, whether it’s a total of 20,000 or 200,000+ mutual funds and ETFs, there are so many choices and so much information about each as to make trying to evaluate which ones are best for you virtually impossible, without some way to manage such an overwhelming and growing volume of information.
Fortunately, there has been a significant advance in information technology – Rita℠ (the “Retail Investment Tracking Application℠) – that enables individual investors to score and rank any number of mutual funds and ETFs, within any asset class, in mere moments.
In doing so, it also effectively filters out all conflicts of interest, both known and unknowable.
Interestingly, there is a “professional” version of Rita℠ for professional investment advisors. It’s the Professional RapidReview Tool℠ (the “ProRRT℠”), with 48 performance factors. Without it, professional advisors are in virtually the same position as individual investors, with there being too many choices and too much information about them, rendering them similarly unable to objectively determine which might be “best” for any individual client.
Both Rita℠ and the ProRRT℠ utilize Decision Technologies Corporation’s patented decision-assistance technology that enables individual investors to select different performance parameters (Rita℠ has 24 factors) and individually weight them to match their degree of importance to the investor.
Using this blend of weighted performance factors, Rita℠ will score and rank all of the funds within any asset class and show the individual investor (you) how theirs (yours) did compared to all of the other choices you could have selected and not just to a benchmark index.
In this world of too many choices and too much information about them, Rita℠ was specifically designed to help individual investors (you) answer this key question: “Of all the available choices, which ones are best for me?”
Take The Rita℠ Challenge and see how good your mutual funds and ETFs REALLY are in comparison to others in which you could have selected.
Try it and see for yourself just how much money you may have been, and perhaps still are, “leaving on the table” by being in poor performing choices that you’ve had no meaningful way, until now, to comparatively evaluate.
It’s time to change things.
It’s time for you to benefit from the “true investor empowerment” that Rita℠ uniquely provides.
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Worried about picking the right mutual funds and ETFs for your investment portfolio or your IRA or 401(k)? Rita℠ is the solution. Rita℠ is the only Retail Investment Tracking Application℠ that quickly and easily answers this key question: "Of all the available choices of mutual funds and ETFs, which ones are best for me? With Rita℠, you can feel confident that you're picking the best mutual fund and choices for your future. Stop guessing what's best for you - let Rita℠ do all the hard work!
“I've witnessed first-hand dozens of demonstrations of "RITA" to friends I’ve introduced. What's remarkable is when a person sees how much money he or she has not gotten over multiple years, they’re shocked. It shows them how much better they could be doing with this revolutionary investment tool.”
“This technology a game changer for individual investors. . . a major breakthrough. Investors will now be able to see how much money they’re leaving on the table, and the information obtained from Rita is actionable.”
Any investing-related information provided on is for educational purposes only. Decision Technologies Corporation does not offer investment advisory or brokerage services, nor does it recommend or advise investors to buy or sell particular mutual funds, ETFs, or other investments.
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