Your Personal
Mutual Fund & ETF
Selection Assistant

Meet your financial and retirement goals years sooner with better investment choices with the help of Rita℠.

Mutual Fund Rankings

Ask Rita℠ to help you score and rank hundreds of mutual funds in moments.

With tens of thousands of Mutual Funds and ETFs, and many performance factors to consider, how can you know which ones are best for you?

Want to know just how good your mutual funds are compared to others?

Rita℠ can help you find out with personalized scoring. You can see how your current investments stack up against similar choices and find out if there are better options available.

Let Rita℠ help you choose using a patented decision assistance technology.

Feel confident about the mutual fund and ETF choices you're making with the help of the unbiased technology powering Rita℠.

Easily find the best mutual fund for your needs.

In seconds, Rita℠ can help you score and rank your investment options using the performance factors that best suit your investment and retirement savings goals!

Are conflicts of interest steering you into poor performing funds?

Ever worry that conflicts of interest may have negatively affected the advice and recommendations you’ve been getting? With Rita℠ you can effectively filter out all conflicts of interest and ensure you’re getting the best ones for you.

Our Platform Empowers You!

Easy to Use

Rita℠ is a web-based scoring and ranking application which provides you a search bar to easily enter in your choice of mutual fund or ETF ticker symbols, names, or asset classes, on any device, wherever you are connected to the internet.

Immediate Results

Initial results within Rita℠ display the top 10 highest scoring mutual funds and ETFs (you can see up to 50) along with your choice in the asset class and the class benchmark, based upon initial default settings.

24 Core Performance Factors

Initial results within Rita℠ display a score and a ranking derived from an initial blend of 6 weighted performance factors 1, 3, and 5-year average annual returns and 1, 3, and 5-year average annual volatility (risk). You can choose from 24 total performance factors and individually weight them in order of importance to you.

Choose Your Own Performance Factors

The Rita℠ performance factor menu allows you to choose which performance factors you wish to use in scoring and ranking the available choices and then lets you select the percentage weight of each of those factors based on our personal preferences and investment objectives.

Composite Scoring

Rita℠ generates a composite score for each mutual fund, ETF, and the Benchmark of the asset class based on the weighted performance factors you’ve chosen and is then used to rank all the available funds in the asset class, including yours, with the highest composite score ranking first.

The Final Results

Rita℠ displays the mutual fund or ETF you entered in the resulting table, displaying its numeric rank based on its composite score along with the top scoring funds and the benchmark for the asset class. And it will have all been done your way!


Learn More About Rita℠

If I Can’t Get an Investment Advisor’s Help, Can RitaSM Help Me?

If I Can’t Get an Investment Advisor’s Help, Can Rita℠ Help Me?

March 26, 20243 min read

Yes, absolutely.

And Rita can help you in a way that most investment advisors currently cannot.

You see, what most investors need an investment advisor for is to help them design a diversified investment portfolio.

Advisors help them pick the asset classes (e.g., Large Cap Equity, Foreign Equity, Short-term Bonds, etc.) and determine the percentage of the investor’s investable funds to go into each.

While Rita doesn’t directly help you do this, it’s easier than you might imagine performing this important function on your own.

Here are all the steps you can take to do it yourself . . . and do it well:

1.    Simply type into your browser the following four words: “model investment portfolio examples.”

What you will see come up are links to the model portfolios of some of the largest financial services companies in the country, companies like Blackrock, Morningstar, Vanguard and a host of others.

Simply click on the links and explore the choices.

You’ll see that each has portfolios designed for wide range of investors, from conservative to aggressive.

After reviewing them, simply pick the one that you think best matches your needs, goals, and preferences.

Doing this will cost you only the time and effort needed to find an appropriate “match.” Importantly, you will also have the freedom to adjust the asset classes in that model to make it more of a custom fit for you. 

2.    Then, write down the names of the asset classes in that portfolio and the percentage amount of each.

3.    You will then open up an online discount brokerage account, if you don’t already have one - one that will allow you to buy and sell mutual funds and ETFs (not all will).

It’s not hard to set one up and transfer the funds you want to invest into it.

4.    The next step is where you pick the mutual funds or ETFs to purchase within each asset class.

Of the hundreds that are typically available within those asset classes, you will naturally want pick those that have proven best over time a producing the investment results you ideally want from each of those asset classes.

This is where Rita can help you do that in a way that even most investment advisors can’t.

5.    Now, log into Rita and type the name of the asset class into the search field.

When you do, 50 names of mutual funds and ETFs will appear, all of which are in that asset class.

6.    Randomly select any one of the listed funds. That fund will rise to the top of your screen. Then click on the “gear box” to run the analysis.

That particular fund will show up (highlighted in yellow), but that really doesn’t matter.

You’ll be interested only in the top scoring and ranking funds, after you’ve added the factors important to you and weighted them to best meet your performance goals and preferences for that asset class.

7.    Once you’ve decided with one(s) you want, purchase them inside your brokerage account using that percentage of your total investment dollars that you’ve allocated to that each particular asset class.

At the end of this process, you’ll have a professionally designed portfolio, copied from a major financial services company and custom adjusted (by you) to best match your needs, goals, and preferences.

And, within it, you will have an optimized selection of mutual funds and ETFs that have proven best over time at producing the investment results you are hoping for from those asset classes.

This process may produce a better result than what even far wealthier investors may be getting from within the investment advisory marketplace.

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Eric S. Smith, J.D.

Eric S. Smith, J.D. is CEO of Decision Technologies Corporation, and President and Investment Advisor Representative of Trustee Empowerment & Protection, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor

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Why Rita℠?

Worried about picking the right mutual funds and ETFs for your investment portfolio or your IRA or 401(k)? Rita℠ is the solution. Rita℠ is the only Retail Investment Tracking Application℠ that quickly and easily answers this key question: "Of all the available choices of mutual funds and ETFs, which ones are best for me? With Rita℠, you can feel confident that you're picking the best mutual fund and choices for your future. Stop guessing what's best for you - let Rita℠ do all the hard work!

“I've witnessed first-hand dozens of demonstrations of "RITA" to friends I’ve introduced. What's remarkable is when a person sees how much money he or she has not gotten over multiple years, they’re shocked. It shows them how much better they could be doing with this revolutionary investment tool.”

Robert S.

“This technology a game changer for individual investors. . . a major breakthrough.  Investors will now be able to see how much money they’re leaving on the table, and the information obtained from Rita is actionable.”

Albert M.

Any investing-related information provided on is for educational purposes only. Decision Technologies Corporation does not offer investment advisory or brokerage services, nor does it recommend or advise investors to buy or sell particular mutual funds, ETFs, or other investments.

© Copyright 2023. Rita℠ by Decision Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved